Sunday, May 22, 2011

Drangsvann explored

Had a great 2hr session with my dad paddling Drangsvann today, a small lake system connected to the fjord by a narrow channel with a lot of current as the tide enters it (makes it fun one way at least!). It truely is a little pearl not visited by many with its rocky green islands, lots of reed and shallow waters housing many aggressive swans by this time of year, protecting their territory and probably new born babies. I've spent many fun hours water skiing on this lake before [View map].

Paddling through the narrow channels that connects the lake to the fjord

It's been a gray and rainy day today, destroying our plans of cutting grass at our summer house, but happy to get a few hours outdoors nevertheless and get back on the water, this time in my kayak. Love it (even with a bit of a hangover, god damn you Seaman shot!). Put it on the roof, drive whereever you want, and there sure aren't any abdundance of places around here, launch the kayak and explore a new place with your own muscles and just the sounds of water dripping from the paddle. Very stressful (not!) - Why didn't I start with this earlier??? (guess I was busy doing other cool stuff)

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